Winnipeg Fringe Festival Shows Attended in 1994

# Time Seen DOW Show Name Company Name Venue Perf. # #
162 1994-07-15 20:30 Fri Murder He Wrote By The Book Productions Cinémathèque 1
163 1994-07-15 22:15 Fri Dancing Dykes and Dolls 3 Square Pegs Warehouse Theatre 2
164 1994-07-16 12:00 Sat CLARA Red Hen Productions PTE 3
165 1994-07-16 13:45 Sat Ahem! Three Sisters Theatre Venue 8 4
166 1994-07-16 15:45 Sat FRANKENSTEIN'S MOTHERS Foursight Theatre Chinese Cultural Centre 5
167 1994-07-16 18:15 Sat Henry IV, Part One The Winnipeg Shakespeare Company Warehouse Theatre 6
168 1994-07-16 21:15 Sat SON OF WHITE MAN: The Naked Truth Ed Haggard Son of Warehouse 7
169 1994-07-16 23:30 Sat Choked Dark Lung Theatre Company Warehouse Theatre 8
170 1994-07-17 12:45 Sun Lady Macbeth The London Underground Cinémathèque 9
171 1994-07-17 14:30 Sun "LOVERS" Tara Players Colin Jackson Studio 10
172 1994-07-17 16:30 Sun Savage Love - Sung in Tongues Imagine Theatre Colin Jackson Studio 11
173 1994-07-17 17:45 Sun The Two Row Wampum Dufferin Players Theatre The Shop 12
174 1994-07-17 20:45 Sun The Beggar's Opera New Voices Opera Co. Venue 8 13
175 1994-07-17 22:00 Sun Being at Home with Claude Tread the Edge Theatre Productions Chinese Cultural Centre 14
176 1994-07-17 23:30 Sun OUR Daily BREAD Eyewitness Theatre Company Son of Warehouse 15
177 1994-07-18 12:30 Mon 'Til Death Do Us Part Olly Olly Olly Productions Cinémathèque 16
178 1994-07-18 13:45 Mon Two Lies Seven Pauls Son of Warehouse 17
179 1994-07-18 15:15 Mon SOUR DOUGH Humble Access Theatre Planetarium Auditorium 18
180 1994-07-18 17:00 Mon THE TWO SISTERS Anna Barry Planetarium Auditorium 19
181 1994-07-18 19:15 Mon The Happy Cunt English Madhatters Theatre Co. Son of Warehouse 20
182 1994-07-18 21:30 Mon NEVER SWIM ALONE Direct Call Productions PTE 21
183 1994-07-19 00:00 Tues Atomic Improv Atomic Improv Chinese Cultural Centre 22
184 1994-07-19 12:30 Tues The Sunday Morning Washday Blues Upstage Theatre Coop The Shop 23
185 1994-07-19 14:00 Tues It's All The Rage In Paris, Love Intrepid Theatre Son of Warehouse 24
186 1994-07-19 15:45 Tues DR. JEKYLL & MR. HYDE The King's Players Chinese Cultural Centre 25
187 1994-07-19 17:30 Tues COCAINE EYES BLUE WHALE THEATRE Chinese Cultural Centre 26
188 1994-07-19 19:30 Tues Commedia del'Archie Beats Working Productions Cinémathèque 27
189 1994-07-19 21:15 Tues The Scions of Hydra The Way Off Broadway Group Venue 8 28
190 1994-07-19 23:45 Tues Listen STREETNIX Planetarium Auditorium 29
191 1994-07-20 12:00 Wed A MEETING OF MINDS: the story of Rachmaninov and Dr. Dahl' Michael Lunts Planetarium Auditorium 30
192 1994-07-20 14:00 Wed ONCE… JenEric Theatre Planetarium Auditorium 31
193 1994-07-20 15:45 Wed F.O.H. Site 13 CATTLE PROD. Planetarium Auditorium 32
194 1994-07-20 18:00 Wed ABOVE THE EMPRESS OF CHINA Direct from England Theatre Colin Jackson Studio 33
195 1994-07-20 19:45 Wed Griddle and Pots Bald Ego Theatre The Shop 34
196 1994-07-20 21:15 Wed Anima Animus Desperate Measures Venue 8 35
197 1994-07-20 23:15 Wed Which One Are The Peacock? Little Green Fuzzy Things Colin Jackson Studio 36
198 1994-07-21 12:30 Thur Sex, Lies and Stereotypes Captain Fantastic & the Dirty Brown Cowboy Colin Jackson Studio 37
199 1994-07-21 13:45 Thur Dine and Dash Truth or Sandwiches Productions PTE 38
200 1994-07-21 16:00 Thur The Happy Positive Rejects Club THEATREFOLK Cinémathèque 39
201 1994-07-21 19:00 Thur SEX, DRUGS, ROCK & ROLL Packing House Productions PTE 40
202 1994-07-21 22:30 Thur RESIDUE OF PAIN Event Horizon Venue 8 41
203 1994-07-22 00:00 Fri SLAP! Naomi Cooke Productions Chinese Cultural Centre 42
204 1994-07-22 13:45 Fri Frock And Roll The Lorraine Bowen Experience Planetarium Auditorium 43
205 1994-07-22 15:30 Fri VAGABOND ANGEL Hamlet Enterprises Son of Warehouse 44
206 1994-07-22 17:45 Fri NO TOMORROW Michael Burrell Planetarium Auditorium 45
207 1994-07-22 20:00 Fri The Cruise Ghost River Theatre Chinese Cultural Centre 46
208 1994-07-22 22:45 Fri MOTHER COURAGE and her Children One World Theatre Colin Jackson Studio 47
209 1994-07-23 14:45 Sat Steam Nuclear Mitosis Son of Warehouse 48
210 1994-07-23 17:15 Sat The Ju-Jube Incident Chicken God Productions Colin Jackson Studio 49
211 1994-07-23 20:15 Sat Sins of the Father Big Hairy Deal Productions Chinese Cultural Centre 50
212 1994-07-23 22:30 Sat Talk! Based On A Real Company Venue 8 51
213 1994-07-24 15:45 Sun #10 (or You Can't say "Dick" in a Court of Law) BETTER THAN A KICK IN THE HEAD Venue 8 52
214 1994-07-24 17:30 Sun Whiskey Fugue and Requiem: A Funeral in Four Parts Real Canadian Mounted Productions PTE 53
215 1994-07-24 19:30 Sun THREE YOUNG HITLERS IN A BAGGIE Juanabees PTE 54