
(PHP 4 >= 4.3.0, PHP 5, PHP 7, PHP 8)

str_shuffleRandomly shuffles a string


str_shuffle(string $string): string

str_shuffle() shuffles a string. One permutation of all possible is created.


This function does not generate cryptographically secure values, and must not be used for cryptographic purposes, or purposes that require returned values to be unguessable.

If cryptographically secure randomness is required, the Random\Randomizer may be used with the Random\Engine\Secure engine. For simple use cases, the random_int() and random_bytes() functions provide a convenient and secure API that is backed by the operating system’s CSPRNG.



The input string.

Return Values

Returns the shuffled string.


Version Description
7.1.0 The internal randomization algorithm has been changed to use the » Mersenne Twister Random Number Generator instead of the libc rand function.


Example #1 str_shuffle() example

= 'abcdef';
$shuffled = str_shuffle($str);

// This will echo something like: bfdaec
echo $shuffled;

See Also